Ah, OpenStack! That lofty realm of cloud computing, where servers scale like Jack’s beanstalk and dreams of smooth deployments light up developers’ eyes. But for a software developer like me, wandering into the IT admin territory? Let’s just say it felt like Frodo entering Mordor, but with fewer orcs and more obscure error messages. 

Act I: The Beginning of Hope 

Setting up an OpenStack server seemed straightforward on paper. Step 1: Install OpenStack. Step 2: Enjoy the cloud’s endless possibilities. How hard could it be? Little did I know, I was about to take a detour through the five stages of IT grief. 

Act II: Denial 

The first error popped up. “Configuration mismatch.” I blinked. I restarted. Surely, this digital hiccup would sort itself out. But no, there it sat, mocking my software developer confidence. Maybe if I squint hard enough, the error will vanish, I thought. Nope. Still there. 

Act III: Anger 

After the fifth (or was it fifteenth?) failed attempt, I began to suspect that OpenStack was a sentient being, hell-bent on testing my patience. “Why can’t you just WORK?” I yelled, as my dell server stared back, offering no answers or consolation. 

Act IV: Bargaining 

By this point, I was willing to make a pact with the digital deities. “Okay, OpenStack. If you deploy smoothly, I promise I’ll never mock an IT admin again. Heck, I’ll even throw in that I’ll personally deliver donuts to the IT department every Friday.” 

Act V: Depression 

With my head on the desk and the monitor glaring its cold, unyielding error messages, I wondered if perhaps I was in the wrong profession. Maybe sheep-herding in New Zealand would be less stressful. 

Act VI: Acceptance (and a Twist) 

I finally did what I should’ve done hours ago: I called up a friend, who happens to be an IT admin whiz. With a chuckle, he guided me through the maze of configurations, firewalls, and whatnot. Within an hour, the OpenStack server was purring like a well-fed cat. 

The moral of the story? Stay in your lane! Or, if you must veer off, have an IT lifeline on speed dial. And true to my word, Friday’s donuts are now a staple in our office – a sweet reminder of that day I tried to wear the IT admin hat and hilariously flopped. To all software developers thinking of deploying OpenStack without an IT sidekick: tread carefully and keep those pastries ready!